The Top 10 Tips to Rank Higher in Google: SEO Tricks

How do you rank higher in Google search results? The importance of this question can’t be overstated because ranking higher in Google makes your site more visible to users, which can lead to more traffic, leads and sales. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t simple because different search engines use different algorithms to determine rankings and often change those algorithms without notice. However, you can use specific SEO strategies to help improve your rankings in search results across all major search engines, including Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

1) You don’t need thousands of backlinks

Backlinks are an essential element of SEO, but you don’t need thousands and thousands. On a small site or if your site is new, you may only need a few quality links—and they should all come from places that make sense.

2) Keyword research is still important

You can do a few things to optimize your page and ensure it ranks higher. SEO, or search engine optimization, is still significant. Think of your web page as a salesperson that works for you. You aim to get people looking for what you offer and convert them into customers by putting their needs first. A word of caution: don’t try too hard! You will become pushy if it’s apparent that you are trying too hard.

3) Make your page relevant to the search query used

The first and most apparent SEO tactic is ensuring that your website is relevant to your search query. For example, if I want my client to rank for online advertising services, then it makes sense for me to make sure that every page on his site relates explicitly to online advertising. I don’t recommend keyword stuffing but do try and include targeted keywords within a natural flow of your content; yes, you should care about rankings but remember—not at all costs! Good UX (User Experience) is far more valuable than a few extra clicks or keywords!

4) Create content around keywords

If you create great content that ranks for keywords or phrases, your visitors will get it. You don’t need fancy HTML tags or complicated JavaScript code to rank in Google—just great content. 10 Reasons You Should Use WordPress for SEO 2-Minute Video Review of Great Content Plugins For WordPress Get Keywords & Write Content And Do It All Automatically With This Cool Tool How To Create a Resource Page In WordPress 5 Ways To Get Thousands Of Targeted Visitors With Organic Content 4 Tools That Will Help You Create Awesome Content Faster Not a blogger? No worries! Try tweeting and curating instead of writing original content at first. But do try creating at least one piece of original content, whether it be on Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, or Facebook daily.

5) There’s more than Google; use other search engines too!

Your SEO (search engine optimization) may be great, but your page will only be displayed on one search engine, Google. For that reason alone, it’s a good idea to ensure you have optimized your page for other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo! Many companies offer affordable SEO packages specifically targeted toward increasing your web presence on multiple search engines. You should consult with an SEO expert if you aren’t able to handle all of your SEO duties.

6) Optimize your site based on what people want

Before focusing on ranking for a keyword, you need to know what people are searching for. But just because something isn’t popular today doesn’t mean it won’t be tomorrow (or next week). And ranking higher based on current search volume isn’t necessarily an indication that you have quality content—it could be that your site has been around a lot longer than some of your competitors. It happens to rank high for a word that’s searched infrequently. To better understand what searchers want, look at what they click on. It may not make sense now, but eventually, once your site is optimized, some of those searches will start converting.

7) Do keyword research on competitors’ sites

One of your first steps before setting up a new site should be keyword research. Looking at what keywords competitors use can give you valuable insights into which phrases potential customers use when searching for your product or service. This also gives you information on a phrase’s competitiveness, which helps you evaluate how much work it will take to rank higher than other sites. For example, suppose a competing site ranks at #3 and has been optimizing for that particular keyword. In that case, it will take more effort (i.e., backlinks) than if they’re organizing at #38 and have been optimizing for that exact phrase.

8) Use call-to-action for internal pages.

You’ve probably heard that you should use calls-to-action (CTAs) on landing pages and other areas of your site where you want visitors to take a particular action. This advice is doubly true regarding ranking well in search engines; it’s essential for getting visitors and spiders.

9) Get social signals from Facebook & Twitter.

With over 1 billion users, there’s no better place to promote your website than Facebook. Not only are there millions of people looking for something new on Facebook, but it’s free and easy—perfect if you want a quick boost in traffic and rankings. Be sure that you don’t just post links, though: also post status updates with clickable links back to your content and images with relevant information about what you’re posting. A little friendliness goes a long way: let people know you have an offer or answer someone else’s question if it doesn’t directly relate to yours. Include hashtags (e.g., #WordPressTips) so that other users can search for related posts too!

10) Engage with influencers & communities

As part of your research, look at how key influencers and online communities discuss a potential topic. If you’re an active member of these groups, consider leveraging those relationships. You can offer value to these communities by contributing posts and participating on message boards so that when it’s time for you to promote your work (when writing your content), it will be shared organically because people want more of what they know and trust. If you aren’t active in any forums or groups around your topic of interest, start there first and build a rapport before using it as a promotion channel.


WordPress for SEO is a top-notch content marketing tool that can help you rank higher in Google when appropriately used. Whether you’re a first-time blogger or an experienced internet marketer, having your WordPress website will ensure that you have one of the best tools available at your disposal. With these 10 tips, you can be sure that your WordPress SEO efforts are second to none. After all, getting top search engine rankings should be every online entrepreneur’s primary goal when developing new content.

The post The Top 10 Tips to Rank Higher in Google: SEO Tricks appeared first on ALARBE7 TECH.



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